
JavaScript fuzzer available

JavaScript fuzzer available

August 2nd, 2007

Mike Shaver and I just finished presenting “Building and Breaking the Browser”at Blackhat today in Las Vegas. We discussed the methods and tools that Mozilla uses to secure the Firefox browser. These tools include a fuzzer for Javascript, which has led to the discovery and resolution of dozens of critical security bugs. Fuzzers are tools that generate a large amount of input in order to test the robustness of a piece of software and can be used to identify potential vulnerabilities.

This is the tool we discussed in our presentation, the first in a series of security tools that we intend to make publicly available.


The responsible sharing of security tools is an important way to contribute to the overall health of the web. We worked with Microsoft, Apple, and Opera to reduce the possibility that this tool might adversely affect users of those browsers. All of these browser vendors reviewed the tool and let us know that they were okay with the release.

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